Saturday, February 20, 2010

Foundation established!

Well, now also officially...; Climbing for Water is a fact! This week the official documents for raising a Foundation were finalized and signed.

It took us months to streamline and finetune our ideas, to discuss them with all kinds of parties (organizations, foundations, but also friends and family) and to found out the 'best practise' for the coming year(s). Everyone who has been involved; thanks so much for all your wellcome thoughts!
It's quite interesting how you slowly get aware of the path you need to take in order to be able to stand firmly for an initiative like this. It started as a rough and very simple idea; to use our passion, climbing and mountain areas, to create awareness for water related challenges in mountain areas all over the world. Now we are talking, the idea is much more developed and is embedded in a web of more detailed ideas, possibilities, contacts, but also rules. In fact it certainly will become to work as a (small) non-profit company from now on. Interested to follow its growth..? Follow this blog, we'll keep you updated of all our activities!

The coming weeks other arrangements will be done; the Foundation will be announced at the Chamber of Commerce, she will get a bank and tax account and preparations will be done for a request to get a so called 'ANBI' status.
ANBI is the claim Dutch Foundations (since the Foundation is raised in the Netherlands) can adopt when they are marked as an entity operating with 'general benefit objectives'. Very interesting to lead when it comes to taxes (income as well as refund) for both the Foundation as its donors.

As said, more to come during the following weeks...!